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Citydle: A Fun And Addictive Geography Quiz Game

You've been to many places and seen countless cities. Let's see how much you remember! Citydle offers you a great opportunity to roam around more new cities.

Featuring thousands of diverse cities, from bustling metropolises to quiet little towns, this word game will put your geography knowledge to the ultimate test.

Don't just think of these as simple trivia questions; Citydle is a competitive platform where you can compete with everyone on your geographical knowledge.

Besides its user-friendly interface and simple rules, Citydle promises to bring great entertainment to all ages.

How to Play Citydle

There's no need to hit "Play" - start guessing as soon as you're on the Citydle page.

The grid on the screen has lots of empty spaces but no letters. It's a new twist because the answer is right there in the answer box.

Your goal is to select the correct answer. Don't be limited by the number of letters - this game plays differently than most Wordle-style games.

After entering your answer, press "Guess". The game will immediately send you feedback.

  • A completely gray row means you're way off. Your guess is incorrect for both the country and the continent. For instance, if you guess "Ankara" (and it's all gray), it means the answer is not a city in Asia.
  • Orange tiles indicate that you've guessed the correct continent but the wrong country.
  • The yellow tiles tell you that you've guessed the correct country, but the city is incorrect.
  • If all the tiles are green, congratulations, your answer is correct.
  • Use the clues to your advantage and make the most of your guesses. However, you only have 6 guesses, so guess strategically to win.

    Small Tips To Achieve The Final Win!

    Expand your knowledge of global cities: Read books, magazines, and articles on geography and travel.

    Practice makes perfect: The more you play, the better you'll understand the game's patterns and logic.

    Improve your strategy: After each wrong answer, analyze the clues to understand why you were incorrect and adjust your strategy for the next guess.

    Refer to a world map: It will give you a better idea of where cities are located.

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